Sunday, November 7, 2010

It was my brother's birthday today

My brother is Alex and today was his 14th birthday.

Alex is a little shy and did not want a party so we all went to Great Lakes Crossing Mall and we had lunch at the Rainforest Cafe and then after we went into this really big nice mall and Alex picked out his birthday presents. He picked out a lot of movies and some were horror movies. A few weeks ago, my dad bought him a Plymouth Whalers jacket for one of his early birthday presents and he has been wearing it all the time since then.

My dad said I could also get something and I checked in every aisle of the FYE store but could not find anything I liked. I checked again and then found a Simpsons movie video which I got. I also got a Thrillville amusement park game at Gamestop.

Alex said he really liked his birthday. We took some pictures but he didn't really like the way they turned out.

We looked on the computer for a picture he likes and we found this one of Alex and my dad watching me march with my baseball team in the Memorial Day Parade. Alex said we can use this picture.

My Aunt Carolyn is on vacation in Hawaii and she called from there today to wish Alex a happy birthday.

I am glad Alex had a good birthday.

I hope mine is good too in April but I have parties because I like them.


  1. I love this post, Louis. Keep up the good writing!!

  2. Hello Louis!
    I came across your blog this morning and I totally enjoy it. I hope you keep it going!
    I have a site, too and would love to run a post about you and your blog, if you are interested. My site is about meeting celebrities and I see you have met some sports stars. I'd love to run one of your pictures with a player and I'd tell my readers about your site.
    I promise my site is clean and legit. It is sponsored by some of my writing clients. I know my readers would love reading about you.
    Let me know if you are interested.
    Good luck!

  3. Hi Mr. John,

    Thank you for following my site. I am going to follow your site now. My dad says he knows about your site.

    I am going to keep my site going.

    If you would want to write about my site, that would be ok. I would read it and like it I bet.

    My dad is going to send you an email.


  4. Louis,
    Thanks for responding. I think you are doing a great job and I want to share that with the readers of my site. Your writing is better than some of the adults who worked with me back at the newspaper! Kepp up the great work and most of all, have fun with it!

  5. Mr. John,

    I am off school today.

    My dad helps a lot with the spelling and the sentences and the password for the site too.

