Monday, August 22, 2011

I went to the Lansing Lugnuts game Sunday

Me, my dad and Alex went to the Lansing Lugnuts game on Sunday.

They were playing the Dayton Dragons. The Dragons brought some of their fans from Ohio on a bus so there were Dragons fans in the stadium too.

The Lugnuts won 4-3 and it was a good game. One of the Dragons stole two bases and on one the Lugnuts third basemen was not covering the bag so he had to catch the ball and dive to the bag. It didn't look right.

There was a foul ball that was hit by us but a guy two seats in front of us caught it.

There was another foul ball that went into the suites above the seats. One guy in the suite was trying to catch the ball and he knocked over his beer cup which was sitting on the railing and it landed on a kid that was sitting in our section and he got all wet. We saw the whole thing.

After the game, since they won, all the Lugnut players throw special Lugnut baseballs into the crowd but I did not catch one. They only do that when they win. There was also one kid who jumped on the dugout and was celebrating and dancing and the usher told him to get down. It was pretty funny.

After the game, I ran the bases because it was "Kids Day" at the park.

After the game, we stopped in a McDonald's restaurant for dinner and a bus of Tiger fans pulled up and a lot of Tiger fans filled up the restaurant. They had just came back from the Tiger game so everybody in McDonald's were Tiger fans. It was cool.

That is it for now.

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